Your WMGB Consultant will:
- Measure & inspect your project
- Help you select styles, colors & quality
- Leave you a detailed quote
Give your home a unique and beautiful look with quality window replacement in Grand Rapids and Holland from WMGB Home Improvement (formerly known as West Michigan Glass Block). We offer a variety of home improvement services, each of which is designed to not only improve the appearance of your home, but protect it as well. We’ve got more than 50 years of experience, and we would love to put our expertise to good use on your home.

Give & Save! WMGB’s 2024 Food Drive
As we move toward the end of the year and the Thanksgiving season, we are hoping you can participate in WMGB Home Improvement’s 2024 Food Drive. We’d greatly appreciate your support and in return you will save 5% off your next WMGB home improvement project!
Window Solutions & Services
WMGB Home Improvement can make your home more comfortable while reducing energy bills by installing energy-efficient replacement windows.
Egress Windows
All homes need reliable ways to enter and exit in the event that an emergency arises. For most, this means simply maintaining easy access to the front and back doors.
Insulation & Home Energy Solutions
Do you know how much energy is being used to keep your Western Michigan home running and comfortable? One of the most common complaints …
Door Solutions & Services
While our home improvement professionals are known mostly for glass block basement windows and egress window systems, we offer so much more.

Spring Specials Are Here!
Find huge savings on egress, glass block, insulation, and replacement windows & doors!

Do you need some financial help getting your next home project off the ground? WMGB offers financing at low interest rates to help make it affordable! Learn more about the financing process and how we partner with Synchrony Bank!