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Window Shopping: Things to Look for in a Soundproof Window

Your home is supposed to be your personal sanctuary, a place where you can relax and be alone with your thoughts. Unfortunately, thanks to rapid urbanization, this is rarely the case anymore. Old homes located near quiet streets now have noisy cars driving by 24/7.

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Simple Steps to Take When Dealing With a Broken Window

Your window may break at some point. Whether it is caused by severe weather or an errant object like a baseball, this problem requires immediate attention. Apart from the scattered bits and shards of glass that may cause injuries for anyone inside the home, a broken window exposes your indoors to the harsh elements, affecting your home’s energy efficiency and comfort. So, you must immediately deal with the issue before it gets worse.

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Bay Windows: Windows With a View and History

Bay windows remain one of the most popular styles for new and replacement windows. The beautiful and impressive architectural design of these types of windows offers both natural light and an enhanced curb appeal for any home. Today, WMGB Home Improvement talks about how bay windows came to be.


Striking Glass Block Design Ideas You Can Try

Glass blocks are versatile, and they come in a wide range of shapes and textures. They make great additions to any home because glass blocks and glass block windows can make any space look attractive and distinctive. WMGB Home Improvement is the leading glass block expert in our area because of our decades of experience and great products. Today, we’ll discuss a few glass block design ideas that you can try:

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3 Ways to Make the Most of Your Double Hung Windows

3 Ways to Make the Most of Your Double-Hung Windows

Double-hung windows have been the go-to window style ever since the 17th century. Until today, many homes are still using them because of the many benefits they offer. Apart from being easy to use and maintain, these units improve the comfort, aesthetics, energy efficiency, and overall functionality of your home. Let your window replacement expert, WMGB Home Improvement, discuss three smart ways to make the most of them.

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City of Hollands Energy Goals

City of Holland’s Energy Goals

The City of Holland is serious about embracing sustainability to make energy affordable and reliable for the community. They also aim to protect nature and create a competitive economic environment.

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WMGB Home Improvement is committed to making your home look its absolute best. To learn more about our home improvement products and services, give us a call at 616-205-9568 or Contact Us online.
Governor’s Energy Excellence Awards
Angi 2021 Super Service Award
EPA Certification